Walk-In Coolers & Freezers, and More

Specialists In Making Controlled Climate Solutions

Norbec is North Americas leader in manufacturing prefabricated walk-in coolers, freezers, and doors as well as architectural insulated metal panels for building custom designs to best fit your establishment.

What Norbec Can Help You Make

Walk-In Coolers and Freezers

Essential for any foodservice business of any kind. Norbec’s walk-ins and refrigeration equipment is designed to be turn-key solutions to best accommodate your space, workflow, and efficiency.

Controlled Environments

Expanding on the need for refrigeration are the desires for larger scale temperature, humidity, and light environments. This includes very large coolers and freezers but also grow rooms, breweries, and grocery  storage.

Clean Rooms

Designed for maintaining precise temperatures and humidity with durability and cleaning turnaround in mind. Custom modular panel designs with high glaze finishes resistant to corrosion and cleaning products and integrated climate and ventilation systems.

Exterior Building Envelopes

The finishing outside touches that make a building come together. Norbec insulated exterior panels provide durable sealing, insulation, and safety of the buildings exterior with an eye for aesthetics cohesion and custom designs as the client requires.

What Norbec Provides

Walk-In Prefabricated Modules

Simple and straightforward refrigeration solutions from Norbec. Their Pre-fabricated Modules are designed to be drop-in implementations with high degrees of configurations and customization to best fit into or expand your business.

Thermal Insulation Panels For Custom Builds

Norbec walk-ins are made of polyurethane core panels with precisely fitted joints. These panels are the same ones that comprise the pre-fabricated modules but can be used to insulate, water seal, and vapor seal any environment.

High Performance Thermal Insulation Doors

The performance of your environment is best controlled by your entrance way. Norbec doors are specially selected and designed for your needs. From steel to glass, hinged to sliding and everything between.

Refrigeration & Compressor Units

Industry proven refrigeration and compressor units are used for your cold storage systems to provide powerful and accurate temperature control.

Smart Environment Control System

The Norbec IM4 Monitor combines monitor and control systems for lighting, temperature, and alarm systems to keep your products safe from spoiling.

Integrated Lighting

For environments such as clean rooms and laboratories that require stringent sanitation requirements require integrated systems such as flush mounted  integrated lighting

Integrated Ventilation and Moisture Control

Much like Norbec integrated lighting is their integrated ventilation and moisture control for highly controlled environments such as dry rooms and grow rooms.

Slip Resistant Floors

Keep every step safe inside your cooler with embossed slip-resistant floors. Norbec NextGrip floors are designed for gripping every footstep and is adapted for carrying heavy loads all while being easy to clean.